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are you a writer, artist or photographer? on this page you can find out more about submissions to our print issue, whether they are open and what we are looking for.


we are taking submissions of:
– poetry
– prose
– art
– photography

in order for your submission to be considered, please make sure that it matches the general theme of our zine: letters to lovers

whether this is a letter in the classical sense or a modern interpretation (e.g. a piece of art that is addressed to someone, a photo that you wish you could send as a post card) does not matter, however, it should be a letter of some sort.

please also insure that the letter fits the specific theme of the issue you are submitting to.

there are no fees for submissions, but, as of right now, they are sadly also unpaid.



if you submit, please make sure to include the following information:

an email address

the name you would like your
submission to be published under 
(e.g. your real name, pen name or anonymously)
the title of your submission

the document of your submission
(for art and photography, please make sure the quality is high enough)

submissions are open

the theme of this issue is 'analogue', so your submission should be handwritten, drawn, or created in a different analogue way—as well as being addressed, in one way or another, to a lover past, present, or future


deadline: 31st of january

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